
Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

Student Visa in Japan 2024/4/28 19:13
Hi everyone. Im from Philippines and planning to study in Japan. I'm a college graduate in Phil. but I want to stay and work in Japan. Anyway my whole family is in Japan. My question is. Is it true that If you get a student visa after a year you can change your visa into working visa? Thank you for answering.
by Tokyo101 (guest)  

Re: Student Visa in Japan 2024/4/29 17:01
No, not true. To get a work visa you need to fill fill the requirements of that visa.
by LikeBike rate this post as useful

Re: Student Visa in Japan 2024/4/29 17:57
It is not true at all.

Some people would go that path - studying in Japan, and then finding a job in Japan. But there is no promise that you can go that way. And first of all, you need to have found an employer in Japan to apply for a work-permitting resident status.

by AK rate this post as useful

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