Date: 4 March 2001
Location: Queen Elizabeth West Entrance
Comment: Not blooming yet.
Date: 4 March 2001
Location: Queen Elizabeth West Entrance
Comment: Not blooming yet.
Date: 4 March 2001
Location: Queen Elizabeth North Entrance
Comment: These two trees have just opened their first blossoms.
Date: 4 March 2001
Location: Queen Elizabeth Noth Entrance
Comment: These two trees have just opened their first blossoms.
Date: 24 March 2001
Location: Queen Elizabeth West Entrance
Comment: This exceptionally beautiful Yoshino cherry tree is just starting to open its blossoms.
Date: 24 March 2001
Location: Queen Elizabeth West Entrance
Comment: This exceptionally beautiful Yoshino cherry tree is just starting to open its blossoms.
Date: 24 March 2001
Location: Queen Elizabeth North Entrance
Comment: These two early flowering trees (Whitcomb Higanzakura) are now in full bloom.
Date: 24 March 2001
Location: Queen Elizabeth North Entrance
Comment: These two early flowering trees (Whitcomb Higanzakura) are now in full bloom.
Date: 1 April 2001
Location: Queen Elizabeth West Entrance
Comment: This exceptionally beautiful cherry tree is now in full bloom.
Date: 1 April 2001
Location: Queen Elizabeth West Entrance
Comment: This exceptionally beautiful cherry tree is now in full bloom.
Date: 1 April 2001
Location: Queen Elizabeth West Entrance
Comment: But the rest of the many cherry trees at the park's west entrance need about one more week to open up completely.
Date: 1 April 2001
Location: Queen Elizabeth West Entrance
Comment: But the rest of the many cherry trees at the park's west entrance need about one more week to open up completely.
Date: 8 April 2001
Location: Queen Elizabeth West Entrance
Comment: This beautiful and popular tree in Queen Elizabeth Park is still in full bloom.
Date: 8 April 2001
Location: Queen Elizabeth West Entrance
Comment: This beautiful and popular tree in Queen Elizabeth Park is still in full bloom.
Date: 8 April 2001
Location: Queen Elizabeth West Entrance
Comment: Yoshino trees at the park entrance in full bloom.
Date: 8 April 2001
Location: Queen Elizabeth West Entrance
Comment: Yoshino trees at the park entrance in full bloom.
Date: 6 May 2001
Location: Queen Elizabeth Golf Course
Comment: Relatively large Shirofugen trees on the Golf Course.
Date: 6 May 2001
Location: Queen Elizabeth West Entrance
Comment: This most beautiful tree in the Queen Elizabeth Park is now completely green again.