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Take a long camera lens in Sumo tournament? 2024/5/5 02:18
May 13th in Ryogoku Kokugikan - 4-person Box C.
I'm finding conflicting information online. I have a 24-70mm and a 70-200mm lens that I would like to bring. Am I allowed to bring these into the arena and take photos?


by thename1000  

Re: Take a long camera lens in Sumo tournament? 2024/5/5 09:56
As far as I can tell through web searches, you can take photos as long as you are not using tripods (tripods would get in the way of other spectators).
by AK rate this post as useful

Re: Take a long camera lens in Sumo tournament? 2024/5/14 22:56
As long as you can comfortably hold the lens with your hand and not disturb any spectators / no use of tripod, it should be fine.
by aerond rate this post as useful

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