Romantic road to Kusatsu
Private indoor onsen at Turtle Inn, Nikko
After breakfast I went to visit a place near the hotel with a lot of Jiso statues. The place is called Bake Jiso because according to the legend, if you count the Jiso statues when you come in and go out, you donft get to the same number - hence the name, that translates to gghost Jisoh. The place was beautifully peaceful and next to a powerful river. I sat there for about an hour reading, and then hit the road.
Bakei Jiso
I drove through the mountains to Kusatsu Onsen. I decided not to take any highways but to go along a road called the romantic road of Japan. Ifm not quite sure whatfs romantic about it - maybe trying not to kill anyone of the masses of tourists stopping anywhere including in sharp bends to take photos of a golden or red autumn leaf? But it was a very scenic road, and I managed to find somewhere to have curry udon for lunch, which was a result in itself.
View from the romantic highway
I also was able to replenish my stock of fruit along the way, although everyone was mainly selling apples, or gcheaph melons. Japanese cheap that it - they were still 1600 yen, or about 20 euros and theyfre not exactly the friendliest fruit on a road trip.
no kakis :(
Mock Tudor over-kill