Tateyama (館山) is the largest city in the southern half of the Boso Peninsula in Chiba Prefecture, about 100 kilometers southeast of Tokyo. Located near the peninsula's southern tip, the city has a resort atmosphere, offers a few sites of interest on its own and is a good base to explore the surrounding attractions, like flower parks and strawberry farms.

  • Tateyama Castle
    Hours: 9:00 to 16:45 (entry until 16:30)
    Admission: 400 yen (castle and museum, 500 yen during special exhibitions)
    Closed: Mondays (or following day if Monday is a holiday), Dec 29 - Jan 3
  • Tateyama City Museum
    Hours: 9:00 to 16:45 (entry until 16:30)
    Admission: 400 yen (castle and museum, 500 yen during special exhibitions)
    Closed: Mondays (or following day if Monday is a holiday), Dec 29 - Jan 3
  • Museum of Nagisa
    Hours: 9:00 to 16:45 (entry until 16:30)
    Admission: Free
    Closed: Last Monday of the month, New Year holidays
  • Akayama Underground Tunnels
    Hours: 9:30 to 16:00 (entry until 15:30)
    Admission: 200 yen
    Closed: 3rd Tuesdays every month, December 29 - January 3
  • Strawberry Picking
    Hours: Varies depending on the orchard
    Admission: around 1500-2000 yen for 30 minutes all-you-can-eat
    Closed: Varies on the orchard, but typically from early May to mid Dec
  • Boso Flower Line

Getting there and around

How to get to Tateyama

By highway bus

The easiest way to travel between Tokyo and Tateyama is by direct highway bus. Buses depart Tokyo Station (Yaesu side) once or twice per hour. The one way ride to Tateyama Station takes about two hours and costs around 2600 yen. Some buses continue beyond Tateyama Station towards Awa-Shirahama at the southern tip of the Boso Peninsula.

By train

There are no regular, direct trains between Tokyo and Tateyama, and a transfer is required usually at Soga Station. The one way trip between Tokyo Station and Tateyama takes around 150 minutes, costs 2310 yen and is covered by the Japan Rail Pass and the Tokyo Wide Pass. Only on selected days during the peak seasons, there are direct limited express trains to/from Tokyo's Shinjuku Station.

How to get around Tateyama

Good walkers can access some of the city's attractions on foot from Tateyama Station, including the Museum of Nagisa (one kilometer to the south) and Tateyama Castle (two kilometers to the south). A network of local buses provides access to most of the city's attractions with at least hourly service on its main routes. Another option are electric-assisted rental bicycles which are available from 600 yen for two hours or 1800 yen per day from outlets on both sides of Tateyama Station.

How to get to and around the Boso Peninsula