Goodbye and Farewell
by Scott, staff writer of
This journal is a log of my travels within Japan. Here you'll find my personal opinions on the places I've been and the things I've seen. Also expect to see the occasional review and editorial. Thanks for reading.
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2016/05/13 - Goodbye and Farewell
After almost 9 years as a staff writer and editor at japan-guide, I'm afraid that it is time for my family and I to move on. This summer we will be heading to the US so my daughter can attend school. I will be sad to leave such a dynamic and fun company, but I'm fortunate to have been able to spent my time here experiencing the full breadth that Japan has to offer. It really is a great place to explore - tons to do and experience, amazing hospitality, and not as expensive as you might think - and I hope that the work that we have put into the site has helped people with their travels.

I'd like to leave with some parting advice, however I think that Francois put it down better than I could have in his final post. So I'll just recap this one point: it's all too easy to rush through Japan on a whirlwind tour trying to see everything you can. Don't forget to take it slow every once in awhile, whether that means stopping by an onsen, staying overnight at a ryokan or just enjoying a drink at a nice cafe, and take some time to relax and take it all in.

The future of japan-guide looks exciting and there are some incredibly interesting projects on the horizon. I wish I could continue to be a part of them, but for now I'll have to be content with following along from home. Happy travels guys, and keep up the good work!

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