2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake
In the afternoon of January 1, 2024, a strong earthquake caused widespread damage and the loss of many lives on the Noto Peninsula and surroundings.
The northern part of the Noto Peninsula was most affected. Particularly badly hit were the city of Suzu and the city of Wajima, where the earthquake did not only topple many buildings, but also caused a large fire, which destroyed a considerable part of the city center, including the site of the famous local morning market.
The intensity of the earthquake in the nearby cities of Kanazawa, Takaoka, Toyama and Niigata was also strong, but it caused no widespread damage.

Service along many train lines in the region resumed within a couple of days of the earthquake, except on the peninsula itself, where the disruptions lasted longer. The last affected railway, the Noto Railway, resumed service along its entire length on April 6.
Due to a shortage of manpower, the reconstruction process of the tourism infrastructure on the peninsula has been very slow, especially in the northern part. But also in Wakura Onsen further down the peninsula, almost all lodgings remain closed until further notice. Outside the Noto Peninsula, tourism was barely affected. In Kanazawa, most tourist attractions reopened within four days of the quake.