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January 3, 2014 - New Year holidays of the world heritage of Kyoto

There are 17 world heritages in Kyoto.Let's introduce the scene of New Year holidays of the world heritage.
At first it is Kiyomizu-dera Temple. It is full of many New Year's visit to a Shinto shrine visitors.

I passed the Yasaka Shrine front. Here is a very famous Shinto shrine though here is not World Heritage.

Many New Year's visit to a Shinto shrine visitors flocked to Yasaka-jinja Shrine. Many people threw a money offering and prayed to God for happiness of this year.

This is a big torii of Heian-jingu Shrine. The combination of blue sky and red torii is beautiful.
Attention. Here is not World Heritage. However, it is a very popular Shinto shrine.

This is The Oten-mon Gate of Heian-jingu Shrine.

It is Shimogamo Shrine that I visited as follows. Because it was cold, open-air fire was served.

Many people visited a shrine also in Shimogamo Shrine forming the line.

Here is Kamigamo Shrine. The monument of a big arrow was decorated.

It is Ninna-ji temple that I visited as follows. This is Nio-mon Gate.

This wooden statue is Nio that is the guardian gods. He scowls at you with a very terrible expression.

This is Kon-Do in Ninna-ji Temple. A building of a very beautiful symmetry design is a national treasure.

Here is Koke-dera Temple. If the application procedure is not done beforehand, here is not put in the inside. Because operation as religious facilities is valued.

Beautiful scenery by the moss in Koke-dera Temple. I was able to see the part from the exterior.

Here is To-ji Temple.

The pagoda of To-ji stands 57m high, and is the tallest wooden tower in Japan. Rebuilt in 1643. It is a designated World Heritage site. To-ji is a Buddhist temple of the Shingon sect and was founded by imperial decree in 796 AD.

It is Nishi-Hongan-ji Temple that I visited at the end today. And, this is gate Karamon of Nishi Hongan-ji.
I visited quite a lot of cultural assets in a day of today. I did not have what did such an experience up to now. I am glad though I became tired.

It is The dragon that I met in Nishi-Hongan-ji Temple at the end. Everybody also must come to Kyoto.

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