Yoshinogari Park - Saga
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July 23, 2016 - Yoshinogari Park - Saga

Yoshinogari Park is an impressive archaeological site which looks at the Yayoi Period (around time of Christ) which is roughly 12 minutes by train from Saga City on the JR Nagasaki Line (280 yen).

Once you get out of the train - there are many signs pointing you in the right direction. It's roughly 700 meters walking along rice paddies to the park itself. Do note that it can get really hot and muggy here in summer due to all of the water in the fields.

It costs 420 yen to enter the park and it's best to describe the location is absolutely huge. There is actually a bus which can take you around the site which is included in the cost.

Even though the site it large - most of the main areas of historical interest are within a good 30 minutes walk from the east entrance. Of particular interest are the reconstructed walled cities along with the two palaces which are quite interesting.

As this is the actual site where the locals used to live during the Yayoi Period, they have decided to create different areas to show how different people lived. There is a farming area, a market area along with two palaces.

The first palace was quite interesting - specifically as it showed the watch towers as the land inhabited is located on a large flat pain. You could actually see a reasonably big area from up top.

The second walled palace took on a more of a religious tone and you can easily see where Japan got Shinto from by looking at the nature worship that took place at the time.

Towards the west gate is a large flower field along with areas for kids to play and have fun. This is one of the few large grassed areas I have seen in Japan to this scale.

Even though it looks as though I saw a lot - I actually skipped a lot of different things as almost every building can be entered and I did not visit the northern area of the park. If you are pressed for time, it takes around 90 minutes to see the main attractions but it could easily take half a day to see everything at this location.
For tomorrow - I will be visiting Ureshino Onsen which is known for having high quality water which makes your skin smooth.
Further information:
Yoshinogari Park: http://www.yoshinogari.jp/en/ (English)
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