Huis Ten Bosch Day 2 (Day)
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July 28, 2016 - Huis Ten Bosch Day 2 (Day)

For my second day at Huis Ten Bosch - I decided to visit the remaining attractions I did not visit last night. Do note that I did not mention most attractions visit just due to the sheer number. However - I did enjoy the major attractions at Thriller Town and Attraction Town the most.
My first attraction today was the boat that goes from the entrance to Amsterdam Town.

As mentioned in the previous post - Harbor Town is free and has some attractions - but not many. I visited the Porcelain Museum as it was a good excuse to stretch your legs. Also note that many restaurants here have Sasebo Burgers - which are normally big and nice tasting burgers. Do note that they do not taste as nice here as they do in Sasebo.

After visiting Harbour Town - I decided to go up Dom Tower which would look fantastic at night. Do note that there is only limited space up top.

My next location visited was the Glass Museum in Amsterdam town which was rather lacklustre....

One option to visit in Attraction Town is the Ice Cafe - where you pay between 700-1000 yen for a drink service in an ice glass which you drink it at -10C

Your drink - served ice cold. Everyone was having a difficult time with the temperatures. I now know that living in Kazakhstan in winter (up to -38C!) has hardened me as it was cold but there was no wind chill so you just need to keep moving a little

There is also a rather tacky Chocolate Mansion located near the Ice Cafe. It was mainly places which sell chocolate related products.

It's a strange thing to say - but I really enjoyed visiting Huis Ten Bosch. I originally visited for the kitsch factor but it really is a pretty place. There are also some really good attractions which are worth visiting.
To give you an idea - the attractions which I really enjoyed (and I did not visit all of them!) include: Grand Odyssey, One Piece Ride Cruise, Horizon Adventure Plus, Next Generation, IS Labyrinth, Nightmare Lab, Digital Horror House, 5D Miracle Tour, Melody in the Dark, Ghost Wedding, Prison Ward and Dom Tower. There were around another 8-10 rides I went on which were - meh.....
For tomorrow - I will be in Nagasaki.
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Huis Ten Bosch: (English)
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