Rebun Island - Momoiwa Course
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June 26, 2017 - Rebun Island - Momoiwa Course

After two drizzly days in Hokkaido, it was great to see the weather clear up as I made my way to Rebun Island. This island is known as the home of some of the best wildflowers found in Japan - and I have to agree with this suggestion. As my accommodation was located quite a way from Kafuka Port, I decided to complete the Momoiwa Course which starts close to the port.

The start of the course starts off a little confusingly. I noticed some hikers going through this walkway, so I guess that this was probably the beginning of the walk. It's roughly a 40 minute mainly uphill walk to the start of the main trail. There also seems to be a bus that goes to the start of the trail, but public transport is limited so I decided to walk.

After walking up muddy uphill trails for 40 minutes, I'm starting to remember how unfit I am at present. It's not an easy walk, but it pays to keep fit. The start of the main walk was also where the views start to pick up.

Close to the bus stop is what looks like a 20 minute walk for the bus tours. It has some nice wildflowers, but it was nothing compared to later on in the walk.

The further into the walk you went, the more breathtaking the view became. There was also more and more wildflowers as you can see as you look at the photos below.

For most people, it will take around 3 hours to walk from the Kafuka Port to the finishing bus stop. Do note that there are only infrequent buses - so I could wait an hour or walk the 3.6 kms (~40 minutes) back to the town. Note that there is nothing apart from some drink machines to eat until you get back to Kafuka town.

As you can probably tell, Rebun Island is absolutely beautiful but my muscles are absolutely aching for a good onsen on the mainland. That will have to wait a couple of more days, as I'll be completing some of the more minor walks up north on Rebun Island tomorrow.
Further Information:
Rebun Island Tourism Information: (English)
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