Hidden Honshu: Sado’s Shukunegi
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July 8, 2018 - Hidden Honshu: Sado's Shukunegi

Located down the South West Tip of Sado Island, Shukunegi is a pretty fishing village which has plenty to see and can basically be called a microcosm of Sado Island. This report will show you some of the sites to be found in this surprisingly impressive little town.

My first stop for the day was Ogi Folk Museum which is home to one of the islands famous recreated ships. There is also lots of little knick knacks spread over many different buildings and rooms which could keep many people interested for a while. This location is a great option for a rainy day as much of what Sado has to offer needs reasonable weather.

It costs 500 yen to enter this museum of 1000 yen with entry into 3 residences in the town itself as well. Signage to major points is quite strong, but finding your way around the narrow streets in the main town can be tricky.

Located down a small path at the entrance to the town is the small Shokoji temple - it's nothing special but some people may find it interesting.

First view of the town - just make sure you don't walk into the streams which I'm sure someone has done in the past.

Probably the most famous building on the island Sankakuya or the triangle house. It's possible to enter this residence and I'm pretty sure that the lady which tells you about the house it's actually the main resident who live here. It costs 300 yen to enter or is included in the 1000 yen combo ticket.

My next stop was the Kanekoya residence which was built in 1846. It's not that big but is reasonably interesting nonetheless. This residence is included in the combo ticket but I do not know the normal price as there was no-one here when I visited (but a place to put your ticket)

Constructed in 1858, the Seikuro Residence is one of the largest residences in the town. It's also made with some style and is receptively big, specifically when you go up to the second floor.

Opposite the carpark near the Information Centre is this cave. If you look carefully, there are lots of small insects all over the place. They look like cockroaches at first - but they are not.

Shukunegi was a lot more impressive than I thought it would be. There is also more to see on the periphery of the town (more temples and caves) but I wanted to get back to Niigata in the daylight. If you visit Niigata Station and like Sake - look out for the Sake Museum where there are 90 Sake you can try. It costs 500 Yen for 5 shots. Let's just say I did not drink all of them as I wanted to make my way back to the hotel standing. For tomorrow, I'll be visiting the main attractions of Kanazawa - a town I did not think much of when I visited it for the first time in 2012.
Further Information:
Sado Tourist Information: https://www.visitsado.com/en/
Shukunegi Tourist Information: http://shukunegi.com/en/
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