Obscure Kyushu: Kirishima
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January 3, 2019 - Obscure Kyushu: Kirishima

Originally for my fifth day in Japan, I was planning on visiting the main sites around Hitoyoshi in Kumamoto Prefecture but managed to see most of them yesterday. As such, I made my way down to Kirishima in Kagoshima prefecture.

My first stop for the day was Kirishima Open Art Museum which costs 1040 yen to enter (with inside and outside entry) or 310 yen for outside entry only. Note that the inside exhibits change regularly but I will say that the main exhibit was really not my cup of tea. The outside exhibit is however highly recommended.

There are roughly 30 odd larger pieces spread around an open field and forest which significantly differ in quality and interest level depending on the person. It should also be noted that it can get quite busy here compared to other locations in the general area.

This exhibit looks like nothing to the general eye, but it can make some beautiful shadows if the sun is out and at the right location as seen below.

After visiting the art park, I drove to Kirishima Onsen Town to visit Marou falls. It's pretty but you'll only stay here for a couple of minutes as there is not much to see here.

My next stop for the day was Kirishima Shrine which had one of the worst traffic jams I have seen in this country. It took around 40 minutes to drive 2 kilometers due to car parking restraints at the shrine. It's fair to say that the shrine was packed and it was not that fun for me as a result.

My last stop was Miike Lake which I visited a couple of years ago when I was in Miyazaki. It's fair to say that it was a lot less cloudy today which is something I am not complaining about.

Today was fairly relaxing, but I am quite looking forward to visiting Izumi tomorrow to see one of the better Samurai locations in Souther Kyushu.
Further Information:
Kirishima Open Art Museum (English): http://open-air-museum.org/en/facility
Kirishima Tourism Information (English): http://kirishimakankou.com/charms_en
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