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April 25, 2013 - Mount Washu (Okayama Pref.)

Mount Washu ("Washuzan" in Japanese) is a small mountain near Kojima.
From there you have a beautiful view on the Seto Inland Sea and the Seto bridge (Seto-Ohashi).

There are two observatories near the top. The view from the observatories are very nice, you can see several small islands in the sea.

The route buses come to the second observatory (Daini-Tenboudai).
The main observatory is near the top of the mountain.
A rest house with shop and restaurant is near the second observatory, and the visitor center is near the main observatory.

How to get here:
By rapid train or limited express on JR Seto-Ohashi Line, about 20-25 minutes from Okayama to Kojima.
By bus, about 25 minutes from Kojima station to Daini-Tenboudai bus stop. 1 bus every hour.

There is some place with flowers and wooden bench from where you can enjoy the landscape.

Going to the main observatory.
It's take around 15 min. to go to the top from the first obervatory. The way is a little bit steep.
The very last part is a path between rocks.

View of the bridge from the main observatory.

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