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Usuki Bus Schedule 2013/10/30 17:18

I am trying to figure out the bus schedule from Usuki station to the Stone Buddhas. The only thing I have found so far is a bus schedule from Oita Station, and the information is 5 years old. Is there anyone that might be able to point me to the direction of the current bus schedule of the ones that leave from Usuki? Thanks!!
by Megamaam  

Re: Usuki Bus Schedule 2013/10/30 21:30
contact form of Usuki city TIC.
お名前(name),メールアドレス(e-mail),メッセージ本文(message/question) then click [送信(send)] button.

BTW rent a cycle[free/OYEN] not bad about 40min/oneway.
by LSoph (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Usuki Bus Schedule 2013/11/1 11:48
Departures from Usuki Station on weekdays:
10:10, 12:10, 14:00, 15:15

Departures from Usuki Station on weekends/holidays:
08:15, 12:00, 13:10, 15:05, 16:50

Departures from the Stone Buddhas back to Usuki on weekdays:
09:48, 11:13, 12:33, 14:13, 16:16, 17:23, 18:26

Departures from the Stone Buddhas back to Usuki on weekends/holidays:
10:13, 12:33, 14:13, 15:48, 17:23

The one way ride takes 15-20 minutes and costs 300 yen.
by Uji rate this post as useful

Re: Usuki Bus Schedule 2013/11/2 14:41
You guys are the kings/queens of kindness and goodness!! Thank you so much!!
by Megamaam rate this post as useful

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