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From Bunny Island to Izumo Grand Shrine 2016/9/7 06:11
Hello all!

I need some help! I will be traveling to Japan from Nov 8 - 21st so I have about 10 weeks left and need to figure this out so I can figure out my hotel situation.

I plan on going to the bunny island early in the morning and then go straight to Izumo Taisha BUT going via JR will take about 5hrs and that's only to Matsue Station which is sitll another 1.5 hr away till the next station that's close to Izumo.

I saw on Google map that I can head straight up from Bunny Island to Izumo Taisha and it would take 2.5hrs.

Any idea how I can get up there with a different transportation aside from JR? Like if there is a bus? Uber? I'd be too scared to drive down there haha.
by amyling  

Re: From Bunny Island to Izumo Grand Shrine 2016/9/7 10:00
There are buses between Hiroshima and Izumo, they take about three hours.

If you want an even more direct route, you'll probably have to rent a car.
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