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SofMap Sim Free work with Docomo? 2019/8/15 06:24
I have an iPhone with Docomo, but it just broke.
In the past I've just bought used Docomo iPhones from SofMap.
The model I want isn't listed under Docomo though.
It's listed under Sim Free.
Will it still work?

It specifically says this...
iPhone6s Plus 16GB スペースグレイ NKU12J/A docomoロック解除SIMフリー
by DSL (guest)  

Re: SofMap Sim Free work with Docomo? 2019/8/15 11:48
Yes, you can use it with Docomo. It's an unlocked Docomo phone. It workes even with other operators.
by .. (guest) rate this post as useful

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