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Pocket wifi or Sim card? 2019/9/19 20:04
Hello everyone,

I will be going to Japan for a 9 months stay with a Working Holiday visa. I will not be keeping my own phone number because it is too expensive to use it in Japan and I am currently looking for the most convenient option to use my phone there.

Is there a way to rent pocket wifi for several months without paying too much money? Or do you think a Japanese sim card is the best option? If so, do you know where I should go to buy one and what kind?

Thanks a lot!
by Leo Lec  

Re: Pocket wifi or Sim card? 2019/9/20 10:44
Check out the monthly, 3 months, and 6 months options for pocket WiFi (MiFi) from this place:

If you have multiple devices (phone, tablet, PC, etc.) pocket WiFi is the way to go.
by O92 (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Pocket wifi or Sim card? 2019/9/20 15:04
I think you need multiple strategies:
- house with internet (note that pocket WiFifs and SIM cards run out of GB really quick. I mean they donft have much. I once stayed in a apartment that had pocket WiFi as internet and in about a week with s few TCs I had done from there instead of the office the WiFi was empty)
- I personally find SIM card more convenient. Because I need to bring only one device, my phone and not an other piece of equipment as well. But my handbags tend to be small. For SIM cards I would go to BIC camera (or the like) and get them to explain the different options. As I go to Japan fairly regularly for about 4-5 months a year I now have a contract rather than an uploadable SIM card. I remember that it is possible to cancel that contract relatively easily.

With WHV your guess youfll have a resident card which means that you should be able to also get a normal phone contract. In that case ensure how and when you can cancel it. BIC camera at least in the major locations has English (and Chinese) speaking staff.

Enjoy your time in Japan!
by LikeBike (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Pocket wifi or Sim card? 2019/9/23 10:50
Try Mobal Japan for a long term (more than 90 days) sim. You get voice, text and data. They are currently having a limited time offer of 4500 Yen per month.

I used one of their short term sims on my last trip to Japan earlier this year. Once activated, I had no problems.
by curious (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Pocket wifi or Sim card? 2019/9/23 21:47
Thanks everyone for your answers!
I decided to go for BIC Camera because it is the cheapest and most used options for people on working holiday visa like me.
They have a campaign this week which makes the 9GB data offer at 980\ a month. And itfs a bit more of you want to have a phone number attached to it.
Thanks again :)
by Leo Lec rate this post as useful

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