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Phone broken in Japan 2019/12/12 11:59
Yesterday evening,my phone got knocked off the table at Pronto and fell screen first onto the ground. The screen is cracked and the LCD is broken, however I still receive notifications for messages and things, so the phone itself is ok.
It's a Samsung A30, and no one seems that nobody fixes Samsung here, especially if it wasn't purchased in Japan.
I don't know what to do. I don't have a residence card (since I am only in Japan for an internship of 8 weeks) and Irelyheavily on my phone for communication with my coworkers, translating and google maps.
If anyone has any advice, please reply.

I live in Fukuoka-shi, and finding english speaking people to help is almost a miracle.
by Mary (guest)  

Re: Phone broken in Japan 2019/12/12 13:24
I know it's annoying, but renting a phone for the next two months might be the easiest and most convenient option.
by Umami Dearest rate this post as useful

Re: Phone broken in Japan 2019/12/12 17:02
Buy a new fone
by Hakata14 (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Phone broken in Japan 2019/12/13 08:46
1) order screen from Amazon, Aliexpress etc. and replace it by yourself. On internet you can find explanations how to do

2) Go to google maps and find a phone repair shop and check if they can replace the screen

3) Buy a new phone sim free in Japan (cheap) and repair your phone when you go back
by justmyday rate this post as useful

Re: Phone broken in Japan 2019/12/16 03:21
The A30 is a lower end phone and typically parts and repair are Not available on those. I think that phone is US$250 full price, which is about what it costs to get a Galaxy Note screen fixed.

Ifd just buy the cheapest new phone option you can find locally to get you through. I wouldnft plan on finding a repair when you get home either though, for reasons stated above.
by TW (guest) rate this post as useful

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