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Yokohama options for mobile internet 2020/5/3 00:12
I live in an apartment building in Yokohama and the internet that is provided often slows down to nothing because it is shared with all apartments in the building. I contacted my housing company about it and their suggestion was to get a mobile router / pocket wifi. I was trying to look at what is there to offer, but since my Japanese skills are pretty much nonexistent I am having troubles doing real research.

So my question is, is somebody able to recommend a decently priced mobile internet solution, which would preferably have as much data as possible? Japanese site or customer service is not a deal-breaker, I can get some friends to help me set it up.

The best I found so far is Asahi-net unlimited, with about 4000 yen/month. This would be fine, but they limit the speed if you use 10GB within 3 days, which definitely will happen since I am a pretty heavy internet user at times. Is this a common strategy for Japanese providers, are there any true unlimited plans available?

Thanks for your help.
by Japanist (guest)  

Re: Yokohama options for mobile internet 2020/5/5 06:33
Look at the top of this page, plan a trip, internet access
by Susan (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Yokohama options for mobile internet 2020/5/5 23:50
Thanks for the suggestion. I checked the links there, but most of it seems to be aimed at tourists and short-term visitors. I am living here permanently for now, and would be needing the connection for a longer period.

From the sponsored links on that page, the only true unlimited plan that I saw is offered by Japan wireless for 13,570 yen/month, which is a bit too steep for continued use.

I would imagine that there are service providers (such as Asahi) that offer cheaper prices for long-term customers , but I guess most of them are in Japanese only.
by Japanist (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Yokohama options for mobile internet 2020/5/6 02:29
You're welcome
by Susan (guest) rate this post as useful

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