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Chita Whisky 2021/8/2 03:47
I have a little bottle of Chita Whisky that I bought at a 7-11 a couple years ago and am wondering what is the best/intended way to drink it. I'm a single malt scotch guy so drinking it neat is fine but it looks too young and light to do that.
by Chris (guest)  

Re: Chita Whisky 2021/8/3 02:17
Highball's are quite popular in Japan.
by Taco Grande rate this post as useful

Re: Chita Whisky 2021/8/4 07:32
How you like to enjoy other whiskey is fine (malt or otherwise). Often recommended is to add a little water to open the flavours and prevent your taste buds being numbed. I typically use ice to add the water and I like it a a little chilled.
by JapanCustomTours rate this post as useful

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