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Halloween in Tokyo - What to do 2022/10/17 16:24

I am once again coming to this community to ask for some advice.

This year I'm spending Halloween in Tokyo for the first time and I've always heard that the festivity is quite legendary in this city, but I don't fully understand what people actually do. My friends and I are in the mood for some party and we even got our costumes ready, but we have no idea of what to do.

Do people go to special events like costume parties in clubs? Or do they just go out in Shibuya and see where the night takes? Any information is welcome!

Thank you in advance :)
by Ferreret  

Re: Halloween in Tokyo - What to do 2022/10/17 21:19
Halloween in Tokyo wasn't popular at all until perhaps the mid 2010s. The following website tells you what people (mostly in their 20s) actually do. And PLEASE be sure you follow the rules, because so many participants have brought confusion to the city in the past. Have fun and stay safe.
by Uco rate this post as useful

Re: Halloween in Tokyo - What to do 2022/10/17 22:15
Yes, I think Shibuya is the place to be. There are also parties in Roppongi but I always have the impression it’s more in Shibuya.

Just in case you want to ride into the night, some friends and I are organizing our yearly Halloween cycling night ride, which you can join here:
NPC Halloween ride ! - ハロウィンライド・ナイトペダルクルージング
by LikeBike rate this post as useful

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