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Translation App for Getting Around 2023/4/9 00:49
Hi! I’m planning on coming to Japan as an English teacher and wondering if some expats can give me advice on getting around. It’s been awhile since my last Japanese course but I do want to learn as much as I can while I’m there. What advice can you give me on getting around? What apps do you use when you need something translated real quick? Do I need to worry about any of them getting me in trouble with politeness or subtext?
by Calluna (guest)  

Re: Translation App for Getting Around 2023/4/9 20:31
DeepL is about as good as it gets… and it is far from perfect. You don’t need to worry about politeness since anyone who sees you relying on a translation app will understand that mistakes cannot be avoided.

Honestly I recommend just knuckling down and working on your own Japanese instead. A solid foundation of basic grammar, a few thousand words, and the ability to use a dictionary (which is far superior to a translation app) can take you very, very far.
by LIZ (guest) rate this post as useful

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