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What to wear for a busty woman? 2023/4/25 05:17
Hello! SO I am back to ask another question in order to plan our trip a little better. We are going in October and the first couple days of November and I have looked up general temperatures for that time of year in various areas (generally 54-74 degrees it seems) but I am running into a conundrum. I am, currently, plus sized. I am working on that and will hopefully be down 60 or 75 lbs before we go...but that will do little to alter my bust size (I am a 53-55 J). Usually when it is warm out I wear a tank top and since I wear sports bras a strap will usually show and it is hard to get tank tops where cleavage does not show. Hahah...

But I want to be able to as close to an invisible tourist as possible so I am wondering if anyone has suggestions on loose short sleeved shirts? Like...not actually short sleeved or tank tops but just a nice...blouse?

Any suggestions at all?

Thank you!

by Gina (guest)  

Re: What to wear for a busty woman? 2023/4/25 12:03
Unless you look like a Japanese you are not going to be an invisible tourist. Just embrace being a tourist and wear what is comfortable for you
by LikeBike rate this post as useful

Re: What to wear for a busty woman? 2023/4/25 14:22
I agree that you should wear what you feel comfortable with – just to note that in early November it does tend to get cooler that I would be wearing some long-sleeve blouse, over-blouse (so front buttons open), light denim shirt, or a light (I mean very light) zip-up hoodie kinda stuff.
by AK rate this post as useful

Re: What to wear for a busty woman? 2023/4/25 20:39
Just to answer your question, I instantly thought of big aloha shirts.

People tend to think that tank tops are the most comfortable thing to wear in hot weather, but I feel that loose cotton or linen short sleeve shirts can often be better, because (A) it shades your arms from the sun, (B) the air that flows in helps adjust your body temperature, and (C) I don't know about the other gals but I personally feel comfortable, inside and out, when wearing loose clothes in public.

Loose clothing give me freedom in all kinds of ways, even though I'm not big.
by Uco rate this post as useful

Re: What to wear for a busty woman? 2023/4/25 20:52
Oh! Well all of these answers make sense.

I do have plans to bring a couple of longer sleeved items in case it gets chilly!

Thank you for the aloha shirt idea though! That will give me an area to start looking for myself.

Thank you!
by Gina (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: What to wear for a busty woman? 2023/4/25 22:08
You said October / early November. Itfs not that warm at that time. During daytime sometimes short sleeves might be okay. But depending on the day/location in November youfll need a sweater and (!) a jacket. I wouldnft think that any day in October/November a tank top would be enough to wear.
by LikeBike rate this post as useful

Re: What to wear for a busty woman? 2023/4/25 23:14
A tank top with a button-up long sleeved shirt over top is my go-to ensemble LOL. The buttons will never do all the way up for me either, so I do the bottom ones and leave the top ones open. And it gives you the option of taking the shirt off and carrying if it is hot, or slipping it back on if it is cool or you are going into a place where you might want to feel a bit more covered.
by Sue (guest) rate this post as useful

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