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Translating Omikuji to English 2023/5/12 12:57
Hello? Can anyone kindly translate my Omikuji to English?
by Michelle (guest)  

Since no one seems to be replying 2023/5/14 18:16
Well, it generally says that whatever you do it's not going to turn out good. And on the side, it says that you should take all omikuji home, so you did the right thing bringing it back with you.

People can be discouraged to have pulled a not-so-fortunate omikuji, but it's rather a precaution saying, "This is not the time. Keep calm, and wait until time is on your side."

So, don't venture, and let it flow. And if you feel that things aren't going right, that's just how it is for you at the moment. Your fate would probably change by the next time you pull an omikuji. Your slip would be a reminder.
by Uco rate this post as useful

Re: Translating Omikuji to English 2023/5/14 18:50
Thanks for answering and noticing that this thread was ignored haha. Yes I realized at one point this was a bad omikuji and did not know until I left the temple. I was hesitant and anxious since I did not want to bring bad fortune with me traveling back home. I revisited the temple minutes later tying it to the designated spot for bad omikuji.
This post was out of curiosity to be informed of what I should look out for and work on.

Thank you for your reply.
by Michelle (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Translating Omikuji to English 2023/5/15 07:44
Thanks for answering and noticing that this thread was ignored haha. Yes I realized at one point this was a bad omikuji and did not know until I left the temple. I was hesitant and anxious since I did not want to bring bad fortune with me traveling back home. I revisited the temple minutes later tying it to the designated spot for bad omikuji.
This post was out of curiosity to be informed of what I should look out for and work on.

Thank you for your reply.
by Michelle (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Translating Omikuji to English 2023/5/15 09:08
Nice to get feedback. You're most welcome.
by Uco rate this post as useful

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