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Help clarify meaning of a sentence 2023/8/8 20:06
Hi everyone,

Could someone please clarify the meaning of the sentence below?


Is he saying that someone who usually doesn’t contact him did so several times or that many people who don’t usually contact him did?

Thank you in advance!
by Ann (guest)  

Re: Help clarify meaning of a sentence 2023/8/9 12:32
In general, in Japanese the same word is used for both the singular and plural version of a noun. That includes hito / 人, so with just 「普段連絡のない人から連絡がたくさん来ました。」 by itself it's impossible to tell whether the speaker is talking about just one person or many people. More context would be necessary to say for sure which one it's meant to be.
by . . . . (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Help clarify meaning of a sentence 2023/8/9 23:26
I notice you have a different thread that shows context. From the context, isn't it obvious that it means the latter? Translating is always all about context.
by Uco rate this post as useful

Re: Help clarify meaning of a sentence 2023/8/10 07:59
Hi . . . . and Uco,

Thank you so much for replying!
by Ann (guest) rate this post as useful

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