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Fallen angel? 2023/10/25 02:46
hello could you guys tell me how do you say gfallen angelh in japanese??? is g“Vgh correct?? I would like to get a tattoo and itfs really important i get it right please thank you!!
by yikes (guest)  

Re: Fallen angel? 2023/10/25 23:50


could you guys tell me how do you say gfallen angelh in japanese???


{is g“Vgh correct??

Yes, that is correct.

I would like to get a tattoo and itfs really important i get it right please thank you!!

That's very wise-thinking, because “Vg wouldn't look cool as a tattoo.

I hope I've answered all your questions. Have a great day.
by Uco rate this post as useful

Re: Fallen angel? 2023/10/26 18:58
Hahaha, Uco. Great Answer - and really true :-)
by Glimpigumpi rate this post as useful

Re: Fallen angel? 2023/11/2 10:52
As Uco mentioned:

Please reconsider about getting a tattoo in a language in which you clearly don't understand. Just because you deem it to "look cool" it doesn't mean others will think the same thing. Sometimes context is needed for something when it comes to Kanji and it looks very strange to put something like that on your body.

Just curious, but why do you need to put someone permanent on your body in another language that you don't even understand? If you come to Japan and you have that tattoo, people will just think it's weird as Japanese people don't go around tattooing random English phrases on their body.

You can do as you like at the end of the day, but just because you deem something as "cool" it doesn't mean others think the same thing and honestly, it's just only personal to you. If your plan is to "show off" your tattoo, you're not going to get the response that you think you're expecting, especially in Japan where Tattoos are still rather taboo with certain places not allowing people in with them.
by Tom (guest) rate this post as useful

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