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Choosing NPB Stadiums to visit 2024/1/27 11:52
Hi everyone-

Ifve posted a few questions about baseball games on here and you all have been so helpful. I cannot wait to see some amazing baseball in Japan.

Soc. I think we will go to two games. One in Tokyo and one in Osaka.

If you had to choose based on stadium/experience:
Tokyo Dome vs Meiji Jingu Stadium
Osaka Dome vs Koshien Stadium

I understand the Osaka Dome doesnft have the same energy as other stadiums and Orix Buffaloes are quite bad? But it also looks like a cool stadium. And I know Koshien is the oldest stadium and historical.

Alternatively, we could do a day trip to Hiroshima from Osaka to see a game there. Or go back to Tokyo/Yokohama a day early to see a game in Yokohama or do both Tokyo stadiums. Any advice from those who have been?
by BrianEats  

Re: Choosing NPB Stadiums to visit 2024/1/28 10:47
In my travels to Japan, I have been to a few ball parks.

Sapporo Dome
Tokyo Dome twice
Meiji Jingu Stadium twice
Yokohama Stadium
Mazda Zoom-Zoom Stadium twice

As far as ambience and friendliness, I would put Hiroshima on the top, followed by Meiji Jingu and then Sapporo. They are all great parks and offer great food. The people are wonderful and the entertainment outside of the game itself is great. I had the worst time trying to get tickets for Hiroshima games. It must mean the stadium is very popular (I'm sure the proximity to JR Hiroshima doesn't hurt). All parks have good rail transport nearby, but Sapporo Dome was the furthest away from the downtown area. If you have the chance, I would choose Hiroshima and Meiji Jingu (they have the umbrella fun when they hit a homer). But any game you go to at any ball park would be an eye-opening experience for the uninitiated to the NPB culture up close. Enjoy!
by John B digs Japan rate this post as useful

Re: Choosing NPB Stadiums to visit 2024/1/28 21:26
Thanks, @JohnB! Glad to hear youfve had great experiences.

Ifve ready so many great things that echo what youfre saying about Meiji Jingu and Hiroshimac.but it feels wrong to not hit Tokyo dome or Koshien.

We have about 12 days in Japan so I think 2 games is a good balance so we can also enjoy other experiences. Itfs a tough choice!
by BrianEats rate this post as useful

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