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Buying yukata for onsen in Kusatsu 2024/2/12 09:41
Found a few stays in Kusatsu onsen but they say to bring your own yukata, if you want to stroll around town. Where can you buy that in Kusatsu area?
by Jojo (guest)  

Re: Buying yukata for onsen in Kusatsu 2024/2/12 17:18
Wearing a yukata is not mandatory at all, and you can perfectly walk around in your regular clothes.
(Sorry, I know this is not answering the question ^^')
by Mellye rate this post as useful

Re: Buying yukata for onsen in Kusatsu 2024/2/14 06:20
You can rent a Yukata to walk around town for 3 hours for 2,500 yen, at Gozanoyu. The price also includes bathing at the onsen. The rental plan is called Yukata de Sanpo. For visiting the onsen in general yukata are not required. Only for if you'd like the experience of walking around in a yukata.
by May (guest) rate this post as useful

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