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Bunka shishu starter set 2024/2/14 14:18
Was recommended to buy a starter/beginner set for bunka shishu (文化刺繍) while in Japan. I have no clue on where to find it through and if there is any proper word for "starter set".

I will be in Tokyo, Osaka and a few other cities. Its a bit big a city to find randomly in a shop.

Tokyo Hands was a thought but thats all I can come up with.
by Holo (guest)  

Re: Bunka shishu starter set 2024/2/19 23:42
Bunka shishu starter set is either called "Bunka shishu starter set" as is or "Bunka shishu kit shoshinsha" ("shoshinsha" means "beginner").

They're widely available on-line, but if you need to buy it from a brick-and-mortar shop, I suppose stores like Tokyu Hands and Yuzawaya are where you should look for. It would be best if you could contact them in advance so that they could have it ready when you arrive.

Meanwhile, the online shop below seems to do overseas.
by Uco rate this post as useful

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