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Worth using luggage delivery service 2024/2/26 11:25
Hi all, me and and my girlfriend are planning a 2 week trip from Fukuoka head across to Tokyo, stopping over at Hiroshima, Osaka, Kyoto and Hakone. We'll be staying for about 2 nights each area aside for Osaka and Hakone which is 3 and 1 night. I carry like a medium sized suitcase but ny girfriend brings 2 (she's a shopper) For this itinerary, what would be the best way to utilise the luggage delivery service? Do I send the luggages to each area, or should I just sent 2 to the next area first and pack a nights worth of clothes each in 1 suitcase to bring around?
by Eugene (guest)  

Re: Worth using luggage delivery service 2024/2/26 13:18
I think you need to ask your girlfriend. Judging from people I have travelled with (my ex husband) he wouldnft have been up to sharing one luggage.

Maybe she can concentrate her shopping at the end (or somewhere in just one place and bring a duffel bag and then ship that duffel bag with all her shopping to your last hotel )or even the airport)?
by LikeBike rate this post as useful

Re: Worth using luggage delivery service 2024/2/26 15:05
I don't think luggage forwarding is needed.

I'd be more concerned with 3 nights Osaka and 2 nights Kyoto. 25 minutes apart and no need for 2 different hotels.
by H (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Worth using luggage delivery service 2024/2/26 17:26
Do I send the luggages to each area, or should I just sent 2 to the next area first and pack a nights worth of clothes each in 1 suitcase to bring around?

1) You can't count on a same-day delivery being possible.
2) Sending a large suitcase (160) costs around 2,500 yens or more.

I would go with option 2, or if money is not an issue, option a 1 whenever a same-day delivery is possible.

You could move your suitcases yourself easily though (except Hakone, maybe), if your hotels are near the train station. Shinkansens can fit a regular 160cm luggage on the overhead storage.
by Mellye rate this post as useful

Re: Worth using luggage delivery service 2024/2/27 12:36
How about sending the things you buy to your final destination so that you could just pick it up and take it back home to your country?
by Uco rate this post as useful

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