Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

Tabelog reservation issue: course vs. child? 2024/3/8 01:06
Dear users,

I have some issues regarding the use of the homepage, especially regarding reservations. Maybe somebody can help.

First, to me it appears as if most restaurants can only be reserved using the japanese version of the website. This itself is not a problem, as the search can easily be done via the english version and then switch to japanese.
But it makes me wonder if I am too stupid to work the site right, or if this is the case for everyone.

The second issue concerns making reservations for children.
If just making a regular reservation, that is no problem (see above).

But I often find the option to book special courses (often including a certain number of discounted dishes, nomihōdai, etc.). These have to be booked for all customers and sometimes come with special coupons available via tabelog.
So my question: Is there a way to book such a course for all adult customers but having the table reserved for an additional number of children (who cannot participate in the course)?

Thanks for you replies.

A remark which sadly is necessary because I know certain people WILL pick me up on this:
No, I am not planning to get heroically smashed during nomihōdai, so no need to tell me what a bad parent I am. (And yes I know you are going to anyway - so prepare to be ignored)
by DrRodriges  

Re: Tabelog reservation issue: course vs. child? 2024/3/8 08:40
If you can't find the option, then just pickup a phone and call?

or try to go directly to shop homepage if any, and see if they have their own reservation system.
Maybe it'll be more customizable than standard general tabelog system.
Else just pick up a phone and call to check.

by @.. (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Tabelog reservation issue: course vs. child? 2024/3/8 22:13
Thank you for this great idea. I would never have come up with this......

Still looking for replies addressing my original question.
by DrRodriges rate this post as useful

Re: Tabelog reservation issue: course vs. child? 2024/3/8 23:28
I read Japanese and I am not a registered member of Tabelog, so I may not be qualified to answer, but a Google search led me to a part of Tabelog's FAQ where it says that you indeed can type in the number of children who don't eat as much as adults. It sounds like the children would be billed separately and no points for them would be given. I wonder if you can figure this out in your language.

Another option is to book seats only.
by Uco rate this post as useful

Re: Tabelog reservation issue: course vs. child? 2024/3/8 23:28
I don't think there is any hidden option anywhere, unfortunately. I had a similar issue, wanted to book for 1 person only, and the minimum was 2. I went to the restaurant to make the reservation in person.

That's not specific to Tabelog though, there is the same issue on The Fork and other restaurant reservation tools.
by Mellye rate this post as useful

Re: Tabelog reservation issue: course vs. child? 2024/3/8 23:45
Correction: my experience wasn't with Tabelog but with Ikyu!

Uco is right, there is indeed an option to book a seat for a child (after you click on "make a reservation"), although it might depend on the restaurant.
by Mellye rate this post as useful

Re: Tabelog reservation issue: course vs. child? 2024/3/9 00:05
Thank you Uco and Mellye.

I am trying to figure out where to activate the option mentioned in the question-forum Uco supplied.
Unfortunately google-translate cannot translate the pages after I am logged in, so I have to go bit by bit.
Hanging in though. Again, thanks for your very helpful replies!
by DrRodriges rate this post as useful

Re: Tabelog reservation issue: course vs. child? 2024/3/9 00:12
I just figured out that the option described in Ucos link is just for the restaurant owners, so I guess they have to activate it and in the cases I looked into just didn't. Too sad. Well, I at least updated my name and phonenumber for reservations, so that is something....
by DrRodriges rate this post as useful

Re: Tabelog reservation issue: course vs. child? 2024/3/9 00:34
After some research and with the great of help of Uco and Mellye, I can close the topic and can confirm to all who might be concerned in the future:

Making Reservations for Special Courses via tabelog you can include children the following way:
Select the course, date and time.
Select total number of people in your party (including children), then hit the "Book course now" button.
In the next step, you will be able to select the number of children, which will not participating in the course.
Note that the restaurant has to activate this option in their profile. So it might not always be possible.

I hope this will be helpful to others having the same problem.

by DrRodriges rate this post as useful

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