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Can I change the visa if I get expelled? 2024/3/17 20:26

I have been in Japan for 7 years studying Japanese for 4 years. 2 years in 2013-2015 then 2019-2021 for another 2 years. Then I enrolled in this Hotel Management Vocational School. I couldn't pay the last year so I skipped a lot classes and I couldn't get the diploma. Even though I paid the first 2 years and 300.000 yen for last year. They said that if I couldn't pay by graduation day I would be expelled and have to go back to my home country.

Is there any way for me to stay in Japan? Can I change to another visa? Can I stay on a tourist visa without going out of the country? I would like to know any way I can stay because I love this country.
by Notnarnia  

Re: Can I change the visa if I get expelled? 2024/3/19 12:22
I do not know your nationality, so I cannot tell if you are from a temporary visa waiver country. If you are, then you should be able to change from your current gstudenth status to gtemporary visitorh (tourist) and stay for a while.

I donft quite understand what you did in the recent year - you couldnft pay the tuition, or did you skip classes? I mean, was it purely a financial issue, or did you not attend the school fully?

Even if you are able to stay, what are you going to do - if you didnft have enough funds to pay for the last year of your studies, it is likely that you wonft be able to show that you have sufficient funds to be able to stay/travel in Japan as a temporary visitor. And since you havenft finished the vocational school, you wonft be able to find work in Japan?

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