Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

Can a fledgling business hire foreigners? 2024/3/22 03:47
Hello, my friend who has been in Japan for a while under SOFA status is going to be opening a real estate business soon (possibly with a Japanese national) and they want to hire me. Everything I have seen says this is possible, as they already own property and intend to transfer it to the company and also will have 10mil yen further invested into the company on top of that, however it won't have any tax status from the previous year as it had just started within that year. My question is if you think there is any major issues with this or if you think its fine?

Under here It seems to claim this is possible so long as they have "1 copy of the notification form for opening a payroll office, etc."

I should add that I am a graduate with a bachelors in IT/Cybersecurity and have 5 years IT relevant work experience and that the visa would be the one linked above a "Engineer, Specialist in Humanities, International Services". Of course the process of getting lawyers involved and the proper channels are being gone through on their side currently. But I was just curious during the wait if any of you with knowledge on the topic thought it is possible or not. I am just a little nervous and overeager. Thanks for taking the time to read it all.
by Vesicular (guest)  

Re: Can a fledgling business hire foreigners? 2024/3/22 19:07
I saw your other post - i was wondering about that too, whether someon on SOFA status (meaning not a resident of Japan) can set up a company. In that sense, your friend who is trying to set up the company must have an advisor/lawyer of some sort. It might be better to check with them about your circumstances too.
by AK rate this post as useful

Re: Can a fledgling business hire foreigners? 2024/3/23 09:10
The business is the legal entity, and can employ people. The ultimate beneficial owner/shareholder is less relevant.
The question is really for the employee and if (as a foreigner) if they have the correct status of residence. Presumably once the business is established it would be the sponsor for you. Potentially you would get the correct permission, but it is not guaranteed.
by JapanCustomTours rate this post as useful

Re: Can a fledgling business hire foreigners? 2024/3/30 19:23
It seems feasible for your friend's real estate business to hire foreigners, given proper documentation and investments. Your IT/Cybersecurity background aligns well with the visa requirements. With legal counsel involved, you're likely on track. Stay patient and proactive throughout the process. Best wishes!
by oliverhen rate this post as useful

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