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JR Shonan Shinjuku Line (Shinkansen) 2013/11/28 03:37
I read from some info on this line, but still have some queries. The Japan guide suggested this line as another way of getting to Hakone , I assume it's a direct line, and hopefully it's a faster, less hassle( minimal or no switching of trains) way to Hakone!

Does it provide direct access to Odawara from ikebukuro, using the JR Kanto area pass?

Do I need to change train at Ofuna to the Tokaido Shinkansen in order to get to Odawara?

Is there a train timetable for this line??

The info I've googled is a little confusing..

All the info I get is that this is a direct way of getting to Odawara station( Hakone) from ikebukuro , and the JR Kanto area pass is valid on this train.
But there doesn't seem to have a timetable for train, plus the Ofuna station n switching to Tokaido Shinkansen got me a little confused!!

Please clarify n provide me more info. Thanks a million !!
by Florence (guest)  

Re: JR Shonan Shinjuku Line (Shinkansen) 2013/11/28 11:42
JR Shonan Shinjuku line is NOT Shinkansen(bullet train)
just commuter train operate by "rapid" most.

Also JR Ikebukuro and Ofuna stn are NOT Shinkansen stn.
After Ofuna is Tokaido-main line(NOT Shinkansen line).

Search again at
(result : timetable link with)

Google transit(of MAP) always "fastest route" not "best answer" a lot just visually.
But for short(or simple) route are mostly right.
by BGer (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: JR Shonan Shinjuku Line (Shinkansen) 2013/11/29 01:07
Thanks BGer for your inputs n corrections:))

I checked Hyperdia before, n I checked again upon your suggestion, but all I get are routes fro ikebukuro to either Tokyo, Shinagawa or Shin-Yokohama, then from these stations, Hyperdia shows Shinkansen Kodama 647/651 direct to Odawara! But No mention of the JR Shonan line??
No timetable for this line still :((

Also, can i use my JR Kanto area pass on the Shinkansen Kodama 647/651 trains?? There's fees charged for reservation too! If my JR Kanto area pass is usable, is reservation free??

Still a little confused!!
by Florence (guest) rate this post as useful

Ikebukuro to Hakone 2013/11/29 01:24
From Ikebukuro take the JR Yamaote line to Shinjuku. (4 stops, 8 mins.)
Then buy a Hakone Free Pass at the Odakyu Railway.
Click "slideshow", upper right. To PAUSE, hit the Space bar. Hit it again to resume.
by Dick H rate this post as useful

Re: JR Shonan Shinjuku Line (Shinkansen) 2013/11/29 02:54
Thanks Dick:) your 'slideshow' link is very informative!

I'll be getting the Hakone pass at Odawara , it's cheaper, cost 3,900yen , compared to 5,000 yen at Shinjuku Odakyu tourist centre!

I've already google n gotten lots of info on travel n sightsee at Hakone( but thx to your very visual treat to Hakone :)))

I'm travelling with a JRKanto area pass, and wants to know the fastest n direct way from Ikebukuro to Odawara using the pass.. Any suggestions, other than that offered by hyperdia? I came across the JR Shonan Shinjuku line from the, n it says it's another direct way to Hakone and JR Kanto area pass is usable on this train! and trains stops at Ikebukuro enroute to Odawara , which is ideal for me, cos my starting station is Ikebukuro, I can catch this train from Ikebukuro n travel straight to Odawara from there ..
Problem is very little info is provided on hyperdia , infact it doesn't even mention this train as a way to Odawara ! There's no timetable, n from the info I gathered from google , I'm supposed to change train I think at Ufuna.. But to wat train.?? Not mention! Japan guide says it takes abt 1 and half from Shinjuku to Odawara , but no other details given , even when I press the link, still not much of the info I'm looking for..

Anyone can help ??? Would really appreciate:))

Otherwise, can suggest another way to get to Odawara using jr Kanto area pass, that is fast n direct, ( other than on the Todaido Shinkansen Kodama, too expensive, I am not really in a hurry to have to reach in 30 mins, 1 n half hr journey is ok for us!! )

by Florence (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: JR Shonan Shinjuku Line (Shinkansen) 2013/11/29 03:06
by tim (guest) rate this post as useful

Ikebukuro to Hakone 2013/11/29 03:37
Yes, you need to change at OFUNA to the Tokaido line. It may be on the same platform.
You can also change sooner at YOKOHAMA. There you will arrive on Track 9 and the Tokaido line trains will be on Tracks 5 or 6 (same platform).
by Dick H rate this post as useful

Re: JR Shonan Shinjuku Line (Shinkansen) 2013/11/29 05:39
Wait! Hyperdia can suggest right way like this(route 1)
I wrote "JR Shonan Shinjuku line is NOT Shinkansen(bullet train)".
So just you should changed "search parameters"(check again page bottom).

JR Kanto area pass provide by JR-East.
Shinkannsen "kodama" operate by JR-Tokai(not JR-East invalid)
Check again rail(Usage Area) map.
Odawara stn placed between Hiratsuka and Atami.

"JR Tokaido (main) line[local/not high-speed]" is JR-East rail.
"JR Tokaido Shinkansen line[high-speed track]" is JR-Tokai rail.

JR Ikebukuro[池袋] stn timetables "tim" answered link also right.
Click each dep time with "小(小田原: for Odawawa)" trains
but some trains seasonal operate search again Hyperdia result link[back to top 1)].
快(快速:rapid) 特快(特別快速:Super/Special Rapid)

4)more info
Way of "route 2" needs one transfer at Yokohama
but comfortable than Shonan Shinjuku line regular seats(No reclining) all time.
"Odorioko" is LtdExp all reclining seats with mini table.
JR kanto area pass covered non-reserved car fee.

If not want transfer "950Y(before dep price) plus"
can take Shonan Shinjuku lines "(ordinary)Green car[double decker]" like Odoriko.
by BGer (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: JR Shonan Shinjuku Line (Shinkansen) 2013/11/29 11:41
Wow!! Thanks Tim, Dick and BGer for all that info!!

I roughly know what JRKanto area pass covers in terms of the types of trains, n mistaken the JR Shonan line as Shinkansen train , I'm also aware that it doesn't cover the Tokaido Shinkansen ( bullet trains)..but WOW....I felt I had just attended a tutorial on the TRAIN SYSTEMS OF JAPAN (LOL:))!! Thanks guys!!!

Now I need to DIGEST all the info provided by you guys and hopefully I finally find what I'm looking for :))
As for hyperdia , I'll un-tick the bullet trains and follow some of your suggestions and search again!

Thx for all the help guys.. Really appreciate :))
by Florence (guest) rate this post as useful

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