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cheap Japanese School Uniform
2004/6/23 05:49
I would like to know where I can get a cheap Japanese School Uniform?
by Jasmine
why on earth?
2004/6/24 05:59
Why do you want to buy a cheap Japanese School Uniform? Have you found "Japanese" ones attractive?? Surely, school uniforms are very similar everywhere in the world, but are unique to each school.
by confused
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not the same
2004/6/24 13:53
The real school uniforms are not as cute. For one thing, the skirts are no where nearly as short (schoolgirls roll them up at the waist to such dangerous length, or should I say shortage), and the jackets are always baggy and unattractive.
Maybe you should try finding one in Halloween costume shop, that will probably be closer to the anime version.
by Lynn
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I don't think the prices listed on the site of the url posted is too outrageous, considering how much full school uniforms cost here, it's near the same price.
I heard there are some shops in Japan that sell used school uniforms, but they're black market so I have no idea where the stores are. Perhaps someone you might know in Japan might be more informative?
by Aya
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joke shops
2004/6/24 23:21
if you go to joke shops in tokyo, you can buy the Sailor Fuku uniform for 3k to 5k yen, but not real ones though.
Don Quijote, Tokyu Hands and Loft also sell fake school uniforms.
by pacman
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I know how they look and I don't live in Japan!!! Can't some one just tell me a site I can go to...
by jasmine
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make your own
2004/6/25 09:31
I've heard that people who attend anime fairs make their own. You can make a sailor fuku easily (and cuter!) by obtaining a pleated skirt and sawing a collar on a normal shirt.
In any case, if you're talking about REAL school uniforms, I'm sure you know that any uniform is only for members of that group (that's what uniforms are for, to identify that you're part of that group). So basically you're not supposed to be wearing them. Second hand uniforms are sold inside that school or between schoolmates.
However, uniforms do exist for anime fans and those who enjoy sexual cos-play. The black market second hands are designed for pervs who prefer uniforms that were actually worn on real girl's skin.
Good luck. Maybe you can find something through an anime related link.
by Uco
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Thiks a lot Uco ( if thats your name). I'll try to make one.I didn't want a real one just ones like you see at anime conversions.
by jasmine
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Where can you get the a cheap Male school uniform (I don't plan on whearing salor fuku in a アニメ con.)
by Charuzu
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cool school uniforms
2004/7/17 06:20
I ordered my seifuku from It wasnエt that cheap, but it isnエt a fake one either! And there are plenty of different types of seifukus; for winter and summer. There are also school uniforms for guys at j-list.
by Femme Fatale
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Dear DarKy
2005/1/20 19:26
Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you for recommending the Cosmates website. It was just what I was looking for. I could kiss you! Arigato!
by Aoi-chan
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well,I saw a school uniform in ebay,I baught 4 of it it wasnt real ones but its used and perfect!it has the popular H sign inn the uniforms,kinda cost me alot and fits me since im small im half jap there not high school uniforms,well 2 of it are university uniforms that is slong sleeved one and has a thick coat,using it in winter nsad 2 high shcool for summer.I buaght them in 2004 now its 2005 I think the bididng is over,I suggest you buy loose socks with it to go with the shoes and legwarmers for winter.
by Karen
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Authentic Uniforms
2006/6/11 11:15
I live in Japan and it is easy to buy authentic Japanese uniforms, both girls and boys. It is true that once a uniform has been made for a school, it is only worn for that school. However, you can buy basic unforms without the school badges and stuff on them. Here are some sights that you can order school uniforms off of. However, they are in Japanese. http://nishiki.bizPlease be aware that I think they only ship within Japan but I am not sure. Might be a good idea to make a Japanese friend.
by vaanhoot
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No they arent... Its not the same...
2006/7/10 07:14
They're not the same as other uniforms. The style is unique, and rather pretty. I myself have been looking for a good uniform for a little money. They Japanese uniform is either a long or short sleeved shirt, (Depending on weather you're before or after the "Day of changing"), has a pleated skirt, (long or shorter), and the distinctive "Sailor Suit" attachment. Its like a collar shirt, except the piece goes in a square or triangles on your back, and makes two triangles that attach around the neck, with a tie or what we would call an ascot going to keep the neck in place, (plus it looks cool). Don't hate because you don't understand. Please try to be more considerate.
-Wants one too...
by Wants one too...
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