Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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Elementary School Picture 2006/11/6 07:42
Uco and Eric,
I found Eric's picture in the later version and my picture in the 1954 year book.
You can see me in Miss Rice's 5th grade class on the same web site

Then select the 1954 Complete Year book
Then select pages 133 - 190
Select page 181.

I'm the kid in middle row holding his right hand. I had mashed it in the door...always the cluts.

Thanks for giving me the web site. I still have the yearbook from 1954, although it is about to fall apart.
by Bill N. rate this post as useful

photos and maps 2006/11/6 22:22
Eric and Bill, you guys are so classical on those photos!

I've been inside international schools like St. Joseph when they had a festival, but you hardly get to get inside a school in a base.

In any case, it's always facinating to see that one step inside a military base gate, even the plants they have are totally American.

As for English maps, I don't think there are detailed maps of Japan on-line, but this link lists several paper maps that are supposed to be detailed. Maps are listed at the very bottom.

If memory serves me right, "A Bilingual Atlas (A Kodansha Guide)" is as detailed as a map that local residents would use in every day life, showing every station and street you need. I don't know about the other maps.
by Uco rate this post as useful

Photos and Maps 2006/11/6 23:32
I'm glad you were able to find our pictures. I forgot there were several other kids holding their right hand, but I was the one on the far left who was gritting his teeth in pain.
The map at the link you provided in an earlier post was enough for me to pinpoint the locale I needed to find in
by Bill N. rate this post as useful

#16 yahoo map- eric 2006/11/6 23:48
Eric, previously you had posted "#16 (the road in yellow with red dots) must be the former Avenue D. I don't recognize #357. This must be new.

Based on the number 5 as the location of the old PX complex, I'm sure I can almost pinpoint where our house at #91 Sannotani was located."
Eric, the number 5 represents part of the Area #2 on the bluff where I lived and is now a walking park. If you come up from that number 5 to the upper green part of the park and look to the right, that is the area where the PX and theater were located. I use to visit friends who lived in that farthest point of Area#2 and we could look down to the stores and theater. Hopefully, I did not confuse you more.
by Bill N. rate this post as useful

arrigato ! 2006/11/7 00:45
Thanks for clearing that up. It would be great if I could read Japanese. In the ten or so years we were there, I could speak and understand most of the language, altho not as fluently as my dad.
He liked nothing better than to pack up the some egg salad sandwitches and the family and take off to the countryside for a couple of days of picture taking.
We had (among other autos) an enormous black Packard that dwarfed everything on the road except the Duce & 1/2 Army trucks. He carried a couple of jerry cans of gasoline in the trunk since we often got too far away from the local Caltex station to get back for a fill. There was always a little whiff of gasoline in the back seat of this car.
In about 56 or 57, mom had driven my dad to the airport to fly to Korea on business and had left the car parked in the street in front of our house. The next day was May 1, May Day, and we had forgotten warnings to keep a low profile on this day of demonstrations.
Sure enough, the local chapter of the Zengakuran Communists students federation came snake-dancing past our house and spotted the Packard. About 100 of them got on one side and flipped the car over on its top and set it on fire. Before they left, they painted a hammer and sickle on our front door. Ever fearless, my mom stood on a ladder behind our fence and took pictures of this event with a 120 Rolleflex camera.
Dad returned a day early, and, observing the big scorch mark in the pavement and red paint on the door was apparently oblivious to the previous day's goings on. His first words were, "What the hell happened to the Packard?"
by Eric Davis rate this post as useful

The ol' Packard 2006/11/7 01:26
As previously stated, you certainly had a more exciting time living in Yokohama than I. We lived high on the bluff where the air was clear and it was very quiet. Once in awhile, the Japanese kids would come up to the picket fence behind our house and talk with my sister or Miyoko. They lived in the little valley below our house. That area of homes where they lived is still there.
by Bill N. rate this post as useful

Eric's neighborhood 2006/11/7 01:47
Take a look at this link, which shows the Nasugbu Beach school and beyond, which might be your old neighborhood below the bluff.
Can you see where you lived?
by Bill N. rate this post as useful

adventure on wheels 2006/11/7 02:10
I sent a copy of Uco's Yahoo map of the old neighborhood to son of Sase-san, asking if he could pinpoint the Sannotani streetcar stop. Obviously a lot has changed. The land in front of Sankien is new, as is the big highway identified as #357.
After the Packard went away, we got an English Ford Counsel with right-hand drive. My folks had gotten used to driving American cars on the right side, which put the driver at curbside. The only sure way to pass was to have a passenger as co-pilot.
The English Ford was set up like the Japanese cars. It took both my folks quite a while to learn to drive on the right with a steering wheel on the right. We didn't keep the Counsel very long because dad brought home a 57 Pontiac Bonneville 2 door hardtop with a souped up three duce engine. Why he got this car was a mystery as it was out of character from his lifestyle. This was sold within a year and replaced by a 52 Buick which was our last car in Yokohama. The Buick was big and black and mom named it "son of Packard."
by Eric Davis rate this post as useful

Car in Japan 2006/11/7 02:21
We brought our black 1948 Chevy Fleetline from the US and then sold it when we left Japan. This link shows what that car looked like, although the one in the picture seems to have been modified.
I hope you will have your trip all mapped out by next spring so you don't get lost once you are there. --smile--
by Bill N. rate this post as useful

Sannotani home 2006/11/7 02:31
Our house was on the Area 1 side of D Avenue. It was perhaps 3/4 of a mile past the big swimming pool in Area 1, which I think was near the property line fence.
I think there was an empty field past this fence, then a series of little shops including a toy store and used book store that sold old American comic books for 10 Yen. These comics were in perfect condition and from the late 40s and early 50s. How these very desireable comic books got there was a mystery and the few American kids who knew about it agreed to keep it our secret. We referred to the place as "The Ten Yen Store."
I had a foot locker of these priceless collectables under my bed but sadly, my mom through them out to make room for Occupied Japan china or samuri swords or something else I didn't see much value in at the time...
by Eric Davis rate this post as useful

Yokohama Landmark Bldg; Mt. Fuji 2006/11/7 03:53
Where is Japan's tallest bldg located in Yokohama? Does it sit on land that was filled in the bay? Also, I recently saw a photo of Yokohama with Mt. Fuji in the background. The mountain always looked like a cloud off in the distance when I lived on the bluff overlooking Yokohama. I never saw the outline of the mountain itself. Now with a bigger city and more people, can you still see this magnficent mountain?
by Bill N. rate this post as useful

just to clarify 2006/11/7 09:13
The number 5 shown on the current map of Honmoku is a name of a Mycal Honmoku shopping mall building. The shopping center consists of several buildings. So I'm a bit puzzled that you call it a "walking park" although the area is indeed quite roomy.

Route 357 is a broad street and it is different from the Express Way that runs above it.

Funny Eric mentioned about cars, because when we live in California, my mom drove a buick and my dad drove a Pontiac 2 door hardtop, although that was around 1970. Maybe it was a long fad??

Bill, the highest building in Japan is called the Landmark Tower and is located in the landfilled MM21 district near Sakuragicho Station.

On Google Earth, you can spot it easily as well as you can places like Yamashita Park.

Mt. Fuji was always clearly viewed from various parts of Tokyo and Yokohama. It's just that during the warmer seasons Fuji is always foggy and mostly un-seen even from very closer areas while during winter it is shown very clearly with it's white cap.

There is a scene in the movie The Last Samurai where a huge Mt. Fuji stands in the back of Yokohama. That is laughably exaggerated, but still in reality, the fact that Yokohama is hilly helps to catch a good view of the mountain standing boldly in the distance.
by Uco rate this post as useful

Re: Just to Clarify 2006/11/7 16:24
Thanks for info about the Landmark Tower and Mt. Fuji.

Oops about the number 5 on the map. When I look at, that area on the bluff above the Mycal shopping center is where I use to live. The road is still there and I can see where my house once stood. The path from the road into the Japanese neighborhood below is still there. Isn't all that area on the bluff now a walking park? I thought someone mentioned that earlier in this forum. Are we having fun yet? --smile--
by Bill N. rate this post as useful

"above" the number 5 2006/11/7 18:41
I see what you mean, Bill. The #5 building is indicated as a dot, but indeed the green part surrounding the letter "5" is a park.
by Uco rate this post as useful

Mycal shopping center 2006/11/8 00:02

Why not try the following:

I found this to be a pretty good map of the neighborhood by doing a google search for Mycal shopping center yokohama and this came up.
by Eric Davis rate this post as useful

Re: Mycal shopping Ctr 2006/11/8 00:42
I could not get your link to work, so I search google again and came up with a similar link: I think the 06.pdf is the difference.
WOW! The map is GREAT! Hahaha. Only thing, it shows a public toilet now where my house use to sit. The location is to the left of the caption "Honmoku Sancho Park". Thanks for the link.
by Bill N. rate this post as useful

type type type 2006/11/8 00:50
I don't know what accounts for my clumseyness at the keyboard. I think the phone rang while I was entering this address. Mycal must be a chain of shopping centers as I note they have more than one in Japan and others in Asia.
Thanks for making corrections.
by Eric Davis rate this post as useful

re: map 2006/11/8 01:05
I noticed the caption, "Sannotani" at bottom of map, just off Honmoku Ave. Is this were you lived? If yes, then I had you pictured living closer to the bluff area. Are we having fun or not? --smile-- Uco must be having a hysterical laugh session with all our speculating about locations. I think my old house being a public toilet really puts me in my place! --grin--
by Bill N. rate this post as useful

you nailed it 2006/11/8 01:59
Our old address was #91 Sannotani, Honmoku, Nakaku, Yokohama. We were next door to 108 Sannotani and were always amused by the hopscotch numbering system.

As far as what might be standing on your old homesite; it takes a special character to win the benjo award...(ouch)
by Eric Davis rate this post as useful

a 1956 map 2006/11/8 04:53
I found this map on the web page.

It's hard to read.
by Bill N. rate this post as useful

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