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Panning to buy an iphone in Tokyo 2019/10/24 22:38
Hi all currently now i am working in tokyo i'm planning to buy a iphone 11 pro, can i use that phone in india? because i will go to india in the next three months. will that phone supports all type of sim in india when i buy it as a unlocked one?
by navas (guest)  

Re: Panning to buy an iphone in Tokyo 2019/10/25 13:26
To answer to your question, yes, it will work. As long as the iPhone is factory unlocked.
Meaning, it is not bound to any carriers
by justmyday rate this post as useful

Re: Panning to buy an iphone in Tokyo 2019/10/25 22:44
Buy one from Apple Store. Then you will be able to use it outside of Japan without any additional procedure and fee.

You can buy one from the carrier like docomo, au, and Softbank and make them unlock your iPhone. But it's necessary to be longer than 100 days since you bought it.
by .. (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Panning to buy an iphone in Tokyo 2019/10/25 22:46
But it's necessary to be longer than 100 days since you bought it.
This is applied when you bought it in split.
by .. (guest) rate this post as useful

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