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SoftBank iPhone 2021/7/26 02:32
Ifm planning to finance a SoftBank iPhone while Ifm in Japan. Is SoftBank iPhones unlocked or locked? (I will travel to Asia and return to Japan a few times)
by iPhone (guest)  

Re: SoftBank iPhone 2021/7/26 11:21
The last time I checked, which was a while ago, they were locked. You could get them unlocked at Softbank, but you had to have the phone for a while. I think it was for at least 6 months, but maybe a year.

If you buy an unlocked phone, you might want to try Yahoo Mobile. Softbank owns Yahoo Mobile, and its their front for being a discount provider. They apparently accept unlocked phones. They will do some tests to make sure that your phone will work on their network. You are basically get Softbank service in disguise.
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