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How are stretch marks viewed in Japan? 2021/9/29 23:49
I know it's kind of a dumb question but I'm curious on how Japanese people view stretch marks. Is it a major turn off or you don't care? Do Japanese people think that only a pregnant woman has stretch marks??
by rinrin789  

Re: How are stretch marks viewed in Japan? 2021/9/30 13:50
No one will care
by Ryan Tracey (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: How are stretch marks viewed in Japan? 2021/9/30 14:38
I may be ignorant on this - but I thought most skin is normally covered by clothing which will make this redundant.

The only other places where it may be seen is

(A) In an onsen/sento - where it's gender segregated and mainly filled with old people so no-one will care.
(B) At the beach - but I don't see this happening often and wearing a one piece would fix this.
(C) In relationships - where it's really down to individual preference.
by mfedley rate this post as useful

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