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sou to you no chigau 2021/10/21 21:01
A san wa isogashisou desu
A san wa isogashiiyou desu

i am very confused with the difference please explain it .
by sai (guest)  

Re: sou to you no chigau 2021/10/22 10:52
A san wa isogashisou desu
A san wa isogashiiyou desu

Both in English might be gMr. A seems to be busy,h I guess that is your question.

- The first one is more like gMr. A looks busyh based on your observation. For example, you might look into his office, and he is frantically typing into his PC or concentrating on reading some materials.

- The second one is more like gI must conclude that Mr. A is busy,h your estimation based on information you might have heard/read/seen all put together. Like you tried to put in an appointment to meet with Mr. A, but his secretary always tells you he is not in his office, he is in a meeting with someone, etc. and you never get to talk to him.

Take another example with gi-adjecive,h goishii,h

Ano mise no keeki wa oishisou desu.
Ano mise no keeki wa oishiiyou desu.

gThe cake from that shop seems (to be) delicious.h
- Again, the first one is gthe cake from that shop looks delicious,h you look at it in the shop, through the shop window, and it makes your mouth water.
- Second one may be you hear all your friends talking about a certain cake from a certain shop, you read food magazine articles about it, so you conclude that that cake must be delicious.
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