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Name translation 2021/11/13 22:29
Good morning everyone,

Could someone please do me a favor and assist me with the following:

I practice Iaido and am to get my name embroidered on the back of my Hakama.

My last name is King

Would it be most appropriate to do this in Katakana.

And if so, could some one please send me the correct translation in Katakana.

Thank you all so much.
by King (guest)  

Re: Name translation 2021/11/14 17:13
Do you prefer to have it in kana instead of alphabet or any other letters? If so, "King" in katakata it is written as


But you should use a font appropriate for a hakama.
Can you see キング written vertically below? That's the font you want. You can have it on your hakama either vertically or horizontally.
by Uco rate this post as useful

Re: Name translation 2021/11/14 17:16
Assuming that your surname is pronounced like the English word the katakana would be

キング which is read as kingu

You could obviously also go for a kanji with the meaning of king. Which could be this one: 王 which however is a very popular Chinese surname.
by LikeBike rate this post as useful

Re: Name translation 2021/11/14 23:09
Thank you both so much. Last question is there much difference in how it would look in hiragana, as opposed to katakana?
by King (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Name translation 2021/11/14 23:14
Hi Uco,

As far as which form to have it in, I would like it to be I a traditional manner. My desire is to keep with the traditional and respect of those around me, and not draw attention in any elaborate manners. So if there are other methods of writing my name I am completely open to suggestions.

Thank you so much.
by King (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Name translation 2021/11/15 06:03
hiragana would be きんぐ but as it is a foreign word I think Katakana makes more sense.

Just make sure regardless is you choose katanaka or hiragana to not forget the two small dots at the last letter. Otherwise, it would be read kinku which isnt what you want.
by LikeBike (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Name translation 2021/11/16 22:07
Hi again.

Foreign names are basically written in katakana. But it's also very common to have it written in the original form. For example, if you are from Britain, you'd be using the English alphabet to write "King" (or "KING"), and it's as common to have "King" or "KING" embroidered on your hakama as it is キング

You are free to have it in hiragana or choose a random kanji to suit your name, but neither is common.
by Uco rate this post as useful

Re: Name translation 2021/11/17 00:18
I really appreciate both of your help LikeBike and Uco. Thank you both so much again. You gave great info
by King (guest) rate this post as useful

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