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Curious About Japan Culture 2022/2/11 04:29
What's the average amount a Japanese high school student spends in a club?

What's the most amount a student can spend in a club?

Do students meet on Saturday and Sundays for their clubs at school?

Do highschool students have school on Saturday and Sundays?

What's a delicious japanese dish to eat?
by Hi (guest)  

Re: Curious About Japan Culture 2022/2/20 14:21
What's the average amount a Japanese high school student spends in a club?

It depends on the club and student. A lot of students don't even join clubs.

What's the most amount a student can spend in a club?

I would say that it's impossible to spend more than 55 hours a week, because you need to attend classes, and also because minors have curfews.

Do students meet on Saturday and Sundays for their clubs at school?

Some do.

Do highschool students have school on Saturday and Sundays?

Typically, no.

What's a delicious japanese dish to eat?

I personally enjoy bamboo sprouts in May dug fresh from the woods, cooked and topped with a young leaf of the Japanese pepper tree from the garden.
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