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Japanese Song sound book 2022/3/2 05:56
When in Japan before covid I remember seeing books where you pressed a button it would play music or sounds.

My kids have grown fond of Japanese songs like "gu cchoki pa", " Mori no kuma san", "panda koala usagi", etc.

Not sure if those are traditional Japanese songs but trying to find such books with those kind of songs I dont know what they are called in Japanese.

I kindly ask for your assistance in where to find or what they are called properly.
by Popo (guest)  

Re: Japanese Song sound book 2022/3/11 21:42

I had no idea what you're talking about, but a quick Google search suggests that you could be looking for something called "soundbook". But the actual products I found were mostly imported sing-a-longs instead of Japanese ones. Like this:

I also found what they call "kiku ehon (which means "picture books you listen to")", but it seems that it's a set of an ordinary book and a CD.

Maybe you can try sending questions to toy stores in Japan, or the place you remember seeing one.
by Uco rate this post as useful

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