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Finding playgroups closer to Narita area 2022/4/20 12:10
Hi, I live in Chiba with my Japanese husband and our son. I used to be on FB but I have since stopped and I have no plans to go back.
I have a 23-month-old son and I am looking for an English speaking playgroup for him that doesn't involve an Eikaiwa type of setting. Does anyone have any ideas with how I can meet international families in Chiba? Are there any playgroups that you can recommend? We live out in the countryside where it's very difficult to meet international families.
Thank you!
by aim135  

Re: Finding playgroups closer to Narita area 2022/4/21 00:40
Try asking your local city hall.

And if that doesn't work, try creating a playgroup yourself. The city hall can help you with that. I founded a couple of playgroups back in the days.

I hope it helps.
by Uco rate this post as useful

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