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Adult Gymnastics/ Tumbling in Okinawa 2022/5/10 20:29
Looking for places in Okinawa to either take adult gymnastics classes or open floor time for tumbling. I'm an experiences gymnast so it doesn't need to be an instructor lead class, but would prefer that. Anyone heard of a place that does this on island?

(Add-on: I'm military with access to all bases. So, those are an option as well, but I haven't heard of anything offered through them).
by Adult Tumbler (guest)  

Re: Adult Gymnastics/ Tumbling in Okinawa 2022/5/18 04:12
by Uco rate this post as useful

Re: Adult Gymnastics/ Tumbling in Okinawa 2022/5/18 15:52
I did try to google but no adult results popped up. I also don’t speak or read Japanese so that may have skewed the results. I can try to run your link through translate though, Thanks!
by Adult Tumblr (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Adult Gymnastics/ Tumbling in Okinawa 2022/5/19 18:14
The Japanese words I used for my Google search is "Okinawa gym class adult". "Adult" in Japanese is 大人. If you notice a price for 大人, that means they have classes for adults. I hope it helps.
by Uco rate this post as useful

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