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How do kids address their family members? 2022/8/9 04:06
I'm currently writing a story about a young girl that lives with her grandparents and her grandfather's younger brother. The grandfather is her mother's stepfather if that makes a difference. I tried looking up the words for family members, and while I learned the difference between the words for someone's own family versus someone else's family, I couldn't find anything a child or toddler would use. I want to use the correct terms but still have that cute vocabulary little kids have for this character. For more context, the characters are very close as the adults are raising the child but she is old enough to know that they are her grandparents.
by Logan (guest)  

Re: How do kids address their family members? 2022/8/9 10:05
What era, region and class is this? It could be anything from jiiji/baaba/ojichan to ojiichama/obaachama/ojichama to jitcha/batcha or whatever else unique to the situation. Meanwhile, terms like ojiichan/obaachan/ojichan is acceptable for any situation during 20-21 centuries.
by Uco rate this post as useful

Re: How do kids address their family members? 2022/8/10 01:13
Modern era(early 2000s), they live in the Shikoku region(Ehime Prefecture if that matters), and I'm not sure what you mean by class but if you mean the family's class, I'd say they're of a noble class, but to help portray their closeness as a family unit more, I was going to have them speak as any average family would to each other in private.
by Logan (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: How do kids address their family members? 2022/8/10 09:46
Given that you're looking for modern, average and cute, I'd go for " jiiji/baaba/ojichan". Or you can distinguish between "uncle / male adults in general (ojichan)" and "great uncle (oo-ojichan)".

And by "class", yes, I meant family class, but since you aim for "average", I'd suggest "-chan" (average) as opposed to "-chama" (more noble).

I hope it helps.
by Uco rate this post as useful

Re: How do kids address their family members? 2022/8/12 01:24
This has been so helpful, thank you so much for your help!
by Logan (guest) rate this post as useful

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