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Working Remotely for Temporary Visitor 2022/10/17 00:26
I am a British national living in the UK and married to a Japanese spouse.

My work has a hybrid working model and allows up to 4 weeks in a single year to remotely work from abroad as long as I have the right to work in that country.

We are due for a family visit to Japan and at the same time I would like to work for a couple of weeks remotely from the family home.

I will enter the country as a gtemporary visah and was wondering if I would be allowed.
by Jez1  

Re: Working Remotely for Temporary Visitor 2022/10/17 08:20
For Japan I donft think this is a problem but from how you describe the rule in your company it may. You will not have a residence status in Japan that allows you to work regularly in Japan.
Obviously business travelers come to Japan also for extended periods and work here w/o problems (I did so myself for 3 years prior to Covid spending about 4-5 months/year in Japan on a normal tourist visa) working as part of my business travel to my Japanese company.
by LikeBike rate this post as useful

Re: Working Remotely for Temporary Visitor 2022/10/17 18:23
Thank you, appreciated with your comment.
I've also read some old posts and seem to be fine for temporary visitor.
I visit Japan quite often so nice to have an option.
by Jez1 rate this post as useful

Re: Working Remotely for Temporary Visitor 2022/10/21 09:31
As stated yes, it's generally fine to work remotely while you are in the country for genuine tourism purposes. I do it twice a year (before covid at least), lots of people do it. I would like to add though, please don't make a thing of it at the border. This is probably obvious to you but just in case: don't tell immigration you're working or anything. You're just a tourist. Especially using words like "digital nomad" can set off alarm bells and you would be basically inviting them to put you back on the plane home.
by LIZ (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Working Remotely for Temporary Visitor 2022/10/24 23:39
Cheers for that.

After speaking to my HR, they said it was fine for me to work remotely in Japan, and I would enter as a tourist visiting family, which I am.

I have covered both sides of the rules, so hopefully I can take advantage of them more in the future.
by Jez1 rate this post as useful

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