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Opportunity for sumo in Tokyo in November? 2022/10/27 01:20
Hello, I will be in Tokyo on 24/25 November and was wondering if there was an opportunity to watch sumo of any kind (practice or competition or something else). I have been to Japan twice but never got the opportunity before, was hoping to this time around.
by ichyichybbard  

Re: Opportunity for sumo in Tokyo in November? 2022/10/27 14:50
Hmmm… on television as the Sumo tournament will be in full swing in Fukuoka.
Meaning also that all sumo fighters are there.
by LikeBike rate this post as useful

Re: Opportunity for sumo in Tokyo in November? 2022/10/28 01:17
LikeBike, great informative answer! Can you tell me what channel?
by ichyichybbard rate this post as useful

Re: Opportunity for sumo in Tokyo in November? 2022/10/28 07:36
I guess NHK. I don’t remember now, but it’s pretty early in the afternoon, something like 16:00 or 17:00. Ask in your hotel they will know.
There is also an English broadcast on NHK World, but I don’t know if they do the full thing or only summary
by LikeBike rate this post as useful

Re: Opportunity for sumo in Tokyo in November? 2022/10/28 08:22
When in Japan, I just scroll through the channel until I find it.

When at home in oz, I just google the online line viewer, and watch.
by h (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Opportunity for sumo in Tokyo in November? 2022/10/28 11:58
Usually broadcast on NHK, and it ends at 18:00.
You might want to start checking around 15:00 or 16:00. Toward the ends it gets more interesting (as stronger/higher-ranking sumo wrestlers start appearing).
by AK rate this post as useful

Re: Opportunity for sumo in Tokyo in November? 2022/10/29 07:59
NHK 4p.m. to 6 p.m. Depending on the tv, the broadcast is bi-lingual so you can get English commentary.
As you will be in Japan, you can also use AbemaTV - I believe they show the whole day starting from around 8:30 - I watch occasionally on tablet/phone when killing time on trains.
by JapanCustomTours rate this post as useful

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