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How do the Japanese draw? 2022/11/14 23:40
How do they draw like that? I heard that the Japanese are taught to draw from school, but is it possible to draw in the same way? How and with what do they draw? I really want to learn how to draw like them, so if anyone can give me any information or guidance. Thank you! alevtina.
by Tina (guest)  

Re: How do the Japanese draw? 2022/11/15 20:22
by haro1210 rate this post as useful

Re: How do the Japanese draw? 2022/11/16 02:34
How do they draw like that?

What do you mean by "that"?
by Uco rate this post as useful

Re: How do the Japanese draw? 2022/11/16 09:46
Drawing cartoons?
Drawing straws?
Drawing blood?
by H (guest) rate this post as useful

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